Saturday, November 5, 2011


Ayurvedic medicines include a wonderful herb like SPIRULINA.Spirulina helps in anti ageing, skin toning and helps a lot in maintaining youthful life.Adding spirulina powder to the drinks will helps in gaining all goodness of spirulina to elevate the skin texture from within side of our body to give radian glow. Spirulina helps in maintaining metabolism, and maintaining digestive system better.Spirulina has minerals, fatty acids, proteins that can aid the food for the skin.Spirulina got 60% protein as its content that is almost the double the quantity of soy bean ( 26%).It is rich in vitamins B1,B2,B3,B6,B9 and vitamins A,C,D along with vitamin E.

Add some water to spirulina powder and apply on the skin leave it for some time until it dries up and then check it how the skin starts to glow in three to four weeks.Adding spirulina powder to the food on regular basis helps in reducing the toxins from the bodies that are accumulated by consuming non-vegetarian food.

SPIRULINA as Cleanser  and skin toner :
Take 10 grams of  honey, Spirulina powder 5 grams, yogurt 500grams mix evenly with olive oil and leave it for two minutes then apply and rub with your finger tips with circular upward motion on the skin. Rinse with cool tap water to give cleaner skin.


Ingredients :
                   1/2 cup  Olive oil
                   1/4 cup natural yogurt
                   1/2 table spoon Spirulina
                   5 spoons Brown Sugar ( dark )
                    1 table spoon raw oat meal.
         Mix  all the ingredients and  apply on the face. Move your fingers in circular upward motion to clean the spin pores well and clean them. You will find radiant glow in few days.

Ingredients :
                     2 whole eggs
                     25 grams fenugreek seed soaked in water for one hour
                     5 table spoons of Avocado oil
                     3grams spirulina powder
                     3 table spoons of pure coconut oil
                     1 table spoon dried hibiscus flower powder
        Beat the whole eggs evenly, grind the pre-soaked fenugreek seed to smooth paste, add remaining        ingredients and batter smoothly to avoid any lumps of powder or paste. Apply on the hair follicles and leave for twenty to thirty minutes. Rinse with cool water. This will enhance  and nourish the hair follicles and avoid premature hair fall as this process supplies the naturally strong food for hair follicles and scalp.

Tuesday, July 26, 2011


Ayurvedic medicines are proven to give successful and dependable results without side effects.
Ayurveda itself  is the science of life which gives the knowledge of living healthy and be fit. Ayurveda medicines are simple to follow furthermore these are made of organic substances like leaves and herbs.
Following are the quick remedies or tips in Ayurveda for weight loss:
1.       Drink more water, especially hot water because this increases your metabolism also. Hence there is direct relation how much water you drink and how fast you can lose your weight.
2.       Minimize  quantity of food you take at once, instead of having once you make it into two or three portions each with a gap of three to four hours. This causes not to pile up excess calories in your body as it assumes you are going to starve in times to come so the excess quantity of food you take stored as fat in your body which can be released later when you don’t get food. But if you happen to eat more and do not work enough these excess calories it will pile in your body to form pot belly or belly fat which is hard to lose at later stage. So be careful !
3.       Buy and eat fiber  rich food not oily food or snacks. Avoid snacks  and peanuts which are rich in storable oils in your body.
4.       Make dieting an easy to follow but not hard to maintain. Hard dieting plans not withstand longer time as you will always try to put an end or count to end as soon as you become leaner.  But when you stop diet plan after becoming leaner you will be blessed with bonus fats with double trouble !
5.       Take fresh fruit juices without sugar. It is better to take whole fruit instead of juices as they are going to help body with digestion and other intestine problems even.
6.       Take enough salads in your food. Keep green salads in your meal this helps to add fiber. Fiber is the cholesterol fighter and reduces the stroke and keeps skin  young and lean with natural glow. Skin glow often attributed to the colorful  fruits and vegetable you add in your food such as carrots, beetroot, spinach etc.<input type="hidden" name="IL_RELATED_TAGS" value="1"/>
7.       Add dry fruits in your pass time eatables instead of taking snacks made of oils or carbohydrates. Dry fruits work as antioxidants  that help and cure many health related problems silently.
8.       Stop eating fried vegetables in meals instead take steamed vegetables.
9.       Make a regular hobby of taking green tea and lemon tea instead of normal tea. Avoid adding milk to tea. Lemon tea and Ginger tea are good for health. These will help in cleaning stomach and reduce the chances of piling up of fats in body. Green tea should be made with little precautions.
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HOW TO MAKE GREEN TEA ?: Here is how, take 80ml of distilled water and add one tea spoon full green tea leaves. Do not boil. Green tea should never be boiled it should be carefully brewed. Heat below 80 degree Celsius for two to three minutes and then allow to cool. Do not add sugar or milk. You  can add lemon and honey. While brewing the green tea you can also add cinnamon stick powder to the distilled water because it has qualities reducing the cholesterol. Cinnamon stick powder is little sweeter too !
10.    Instead of taking carbohydrates such as rice, potato and sweet potato it is better to take wheat and   whole gram or sprouts of whole gram are good in reducing weight and cholesterol .
11.   Use honey instead of sugar as it transfers the stationary fat to other moving parts so as to reduce the fat content in our body. So use more honey with lukewarm water.
12.   Exercise regularly especially yoga and aerobics that tends to be easy to do and work on long run.

Thursday, April 7, 2011


How liquids dominate the weight loss process?! Yes,they do!! Consumption of 200ml to 300ml of water just half an hour before your meal can reduce your weight approximately 5 pounds or more in a span of 3 months.But there is another end story of liquids or water with weight gain too!! Yes it is surprising but true.Water is retained in our body gives us swollen looks.It doesn't mean that we need to reduce the intake of water so that water is not retained in our body.The system of water retention by body cells is opposite in nature, the more water you drink the more fat will burn and churn out the excess fat in our body.

So where is the fat deposited in our body weigh you more? Our body weight is increased basically fat deposit in upper thigh,chest and belly including waist.A systematic plan of doing exercise for about 30 to 45 minutes a day may cause reduce the weight loss.Not just drinking more water but also doing some exercise stressing the body parts where the excess fat is deposited is essential.We should do the exercise in such way all those body parts where excess fat is located like belly and thighs must be subjected to strain and we should sweat out during this process.
Liquids means people may misunderstand alcohol as a liquid and can be used in reducing weight!Alcohol is the very dangerous liquid that increases the body weight.So be away from alcohols.Water retention of our body is directly related with the intake of common salt we are taking.The more common salt we use more water is being retained in our body parts.So in order to reduce water retention first avoid salt.It should be just enough to add taste but not too much!So how much water should be taken? Divide your weight into half.Resulting number is the number of ounces of water you need to take in a day.

Here is a diet plan mostly used in Ayurveda and Naturopathy :
This is a 3 day diet plan and for every 10 days you should repeat the same. Remember from fourth day onwards don't take too much food to compensate the 3day diet plan!That will not help.
  1. First day eat only fruits. Avoid  high calorie fruit such as Mango, Sapota,Custard apple etc.
  2. Second day drink just lemon juice with warm water.As I said above don't add sugar  or salt.
  3. Third day just drink fruit juices without adding sugar, salt and spices.                                               
All these three days  drink plenty of water. Repeat this process every 10th day.Look at your self after two to three months.


Wednesday, March 30, 2011


Belly fat becomes a great threat to our life ! It is the latest medical news here around saying that belly fat  can cause Type 2 diabetes.They can be even considered as twins in promoting life to hazardous lines.Belly fat is usually formed due to irregular diet and high intake of food, especially processed and oily food.This reduces insulin cells by our pancreas.If not proper care is taken and if the belly fat is not reduced it will lead to life crash !
The belly fat not only be reduced by different waist straining exercises but type of food also can help us reduce the belly fat. 
Lean meats such as Turkey will help reduce the belly fat and build up lean muscles along the waistline. Soya beans, beans and ready to cook soya meal, oats and food stuffs such as raw  or whole grains will help in reducing fat as they contain fiber which reduce the cholesterol in the body and blood.There are two kinds of cholesterol one is L.D.L cholesterol and the other one  H.D.L cholesterol.Simply without confusing a common man L.D.L  is bad cholesterol while H.D.L cholesterol is good cholesterol. As high levels of L.D.L cholesterol causes heart attack, so low levels of H.D.L cholesterol is also bad for health. We need to maintain H.D.L levels in required quantity.
 While physical exercise can give us great results to reduce the belly fat, let us consider what other ways that one can look forward to reduce fat in our body at belly. 
 What type of food  to avoid to control belly fat ?
 Chart out clearly  with common sense that wherever the fat is accumulated, it is basically fat only which is purely due to excess food consumption and fatty food or junk foods. So avoid  junk food which is not good. Reduce the number of times your visits to hotels or junk food corners.Avoid eggs and red meats. Take lean meats.Stop consuming alcohols.Reduce the quantities of food.Stop eating foods made of processed tins/food. Avoid Sugar foods and sugar contained food. Avoid chocolates. People have some classic habit of taking sweet at the end of each meal. Stop this food you are taking can supply enough sugar and now no need to add extra sugars by taking sweets at the end of the meal. Avoid starchy food or carbohydrates.Don't consume junk foods like potato chips( even potatoes in your food for that matter ) or even ice cream kind of things which are too dangerous and buildup excess fat very easily without our notice in short run !
What type of food to take for losing belly fat or weight loss ?
 Eat healthy unprocessed eatables.Take oatmeal as part of your food daily, especially during the night. Avoid other foods in the night. Just don't go to bed after eating immediately.Take all kinds of variety beans.Add them in your menu.  Take colorful fruits. Avoid high calorie fruits such as banana instead add fiber rich fruit to your choice.Take fruits such as apple, avocado etc.

It is wise to decide how to lose bulge around your stomach and waist. It is of last grandness to recognize how our physical structure plant or in other words, one moldiness know why s/he has belly fat.
Potbelly, beer belly and belly fat are all the names one worries as the bulge increase around the waist. For some, deficiency of exercises is the briny case whereas about pestering remember that unhealthy eating is the primary reason of lower stomach fat. Certainly parking the fat in and around the belly worries are not only the  reasons but other reasons are mostly we need to consider:-

1.      Stress , it is the root cause by which one forgets the measures  of ones own body  and beauty and starts eating more than normal.
2.      Alcohols and beer these are the second most important ones that often increase
the waist line without our observation just goes up surprisingly lands on higher on mountain size.
3.      Slow Metabolism,  it is too dangerous and ask any film actress they know the phrase of “metabolism” because they are consistently worried of it and try to make faster metabolism. So meet the doctor and a physical fitness expert that ways to improve the metabolism. Faster metabolism can be improved by proper physical exercise.
I happen to know a guide which can guide us towards improving the body fitness called a 6pack abs program. CLICK HERE to know more
4.      Digestion Problems , these are unhealthy practice provokers because their digestions problems make them to have unhealthy eating practices. So having good diet and avoiding the digestion problems result in balanced diet practices.
5.      Menopause in women result in fat deposit on tummy, buttocks and thighs. This is due to the female sex hormones .Female problems usually complex rather than men,there are some good references which can guide properly and gives complete information about how to manage and face menopause problems effectively. To know more about them CLICK HERE. Apart from this there are complete information guides which are guided by qualified doctors and professionals as well are known in the market.Quick and natural relief techniques can be obtained in a book with complete guidance...CLICK HERE.

Yes ! Physical exercise can do lot of wonders than just consuming pills or medicines and sitting idle. It is just because of of the reason, by sitting idle or not giving strain to muscles may cause intestinal makeover but not real muscle build up. Muscle building or lean muscle building out of pot belly or jelly belly is only possible with physical work out in addition to the medicines. For physical workouts one cannot try by himself but there should be enough material in hand describing steps by step methods of doing different work outs. One such book I found on the internet is The truth about six pack abs.This is a wonderful product and more than 60,000 people used it and reviewed it many times.This product is in the market for more than six years.Just try out Truth about six pack abs the see the results for yourself. CLICK HERE to know more about the product which is 100% refundable if you are not satisfied by it. 

Saturday, March 5, 2011

Friends.. back again ! Today I wish to share my own experience of weight loss program set by myself for my own tracking purposes. I was weighing around 87.5kgs !! My thoughts for reducing weight were so serious and I started working on how I can do this. My colleagues used to go for daily practice of badminton for two hours. I tried two days I had to wait until my turn comes ! Then I will play for 30 minutes some one who is waiting for their turn made me to wait for half an hour !! This made me restless ... Ooops it is not gonna work !! As I am staying in Maldives and  around the island there was shallow water every where in the sea. I just tried my luck one day to check if the depth is enough for my swimming practice. The day one ... I was happy ! I was just started and felt so easy on that day. But it was amazing for me to feel how sound sleep I had since then.Of there are ayurvedic medicines for sound sleep. You can find about an ayurvedic medicine which is proven HERE, which has no side effects. More over the trusted company is providing 100% money back guarantee also. There are body pains of course !! Week after my practice of swimming I started checking my weight .... WOW...   It is 3 kgs down from previous weight !!! I hope no one can believe this but trust me, it is true ! I forgot to tell one more thing , that is how long I was swimming in a day . THREE HOURS at a stretch ! At the beginning I felt so much tired but soon after three days of practice I realized that with little pauses in between we can improve our stamina of swimming length or time. This made me to check on my food intake. I stopped taking unnecessary food. When I finished 4 months of swimming practice I found more than 8 kgs of weight loss.

But my readers might be little angry for why this blog is named after ayurvedic medicines but no review of any medicine so far ? ! Sorry for that , I will do it in due course.. let me share me my experiences with you which may not be necessary to eat any medicines . Is it not sound good ?!! If naturally our body is unable to mend the disease then we certainly opt for medicines. Few tested medicines out there in ayurvedic for weight loss. Please visit the following link , if still you feel like to take good ayurvedic medicines for weight loss Yogic Slim is the one which has no side effects.It is proprietary ayurvedic medicine and risk free, more over they offer money back guarantee just in case if are not satisfied.Find Here to know more about the product details.I insist follow the instructions carefully while using any ayurvedic medicine,because it is not only the ayurvedic medicine does miracle by itself but we need to follow some instructions to gain fully out of any medicine.For usage and full product details which comes with guarantee please go and find HERE.

One has to think about the importance of weight loss. If we have an idea whether we are ready to take little spare time for our weight loss program  or not. It is most important factor because one has to frame or change the life style by accepting the necessity of exercise on regular basis in order to lose weight.So there comes a question is it necessary to daily exercise ? Instead of exercise is it not possible to reduce weight by diet plan? Yes we can and it is more sure way to reduce the weight. But it has its own limitations one need to continue and stick to their daily calorie consumption and calorie count on regular basis. Where as exercise do not simply reduce the weight loss but it improves the health and longevity. On a longer run both diet plan and exercise work better to give you decent results.
Here are few points to note to reduce weight :
  1.  1. Have a glass of water half an hour before your meal.This reduces your appetite for food and reduces intake of food.
  2. Do not consume large portions of meals or full meals at  any time. Divide your one meal into two or three and try take them with time gap. This reduces unnecessary deposit of excess calories into body as fat.
  3. Try taking warm water. Do not use cold water. This will help you keep your food digested better and also helps reduce fat.
  4. Try to move from work place and make small walks in between instead fixing yourself while you are doing work, if permits ! 
  5. Stop luring yourself to eat junk foods at fast food centers or hotels. This will unnecessarily increase your weight which slips into your belly by gastronomic desires !
  6. STOP CONSUMING SUGAR AND CREAMS ! I mentioned this point in capital letters just because it is most important and people often go on dieting and do exercise but small all their efforts with one go by eating  more sugar products or creams in their daily food !
  7. Eat oatmeal every night and skip your full meal. Never take any full meal during the nights.
  8. Plan your low calorie food diet plan in order to stick to the plan of weight loss with a goal say, 10 pounds in 45days.
  9. Buy one good quality weighing machine.Start observing your weight three to four times a day. This will remind you of your weight-watch every day !
  10. Find a gym or a swimming pool near by your home. Become a member of it. Why I am saying to find it near by  your home because you should not give an excuse to yourself to skip one day practice and be REGULAR to practice your exercise what ever it is but strictly think that you are going to work out to loose your weight. Yes hypnotize or be passionate to loose your weight.
  11. Imagine how handsome / beautiful you are in your teen age and think again you are now still like that. But of course mirror before says it is false. You are some one different than that guy or girl.Next try to put in your brain that you will be back to your old figure, the figure of your teen age  and  YOU  CAN . So you will try all every thing that is needed to bring back your charming figure. See some day you will gain it back !!
  12. Once achieved, maintain it. Never fall back into the old pit of fat ugly shape again !! Just maintain it !!!

Tuesday, March 1, 2011


Hello Everyone !!!
Welcome to my blog on Ayurvedic Medicines. This blog shares my views and provides genuine product information and information reviews on Ayurvedic Medicines. Ayurveda is a proven science of medicine for thousands of years. Maharishis made these medicines available for common man with their centuries of research. Now Ayurveda has become a part of our lives. People who fails using other medicines started using these medicines as alternative medicines to English medicines. Though the system of working is scientifically not established but it is proven with results, giving almost same results for same type of diseases with the level of chronic. So it can be called as science. Many countries like India, China ,Japan and even European / Americans are started using these medicines. Not only started using they are even producing and exporting to the world countries. When it is matter of genuine Ayurvedic medicine, one has to test or use for some time  or it should be  recommended by a qualified doctor. The medicine should have certain quality standards under authentic regulations. Right from the raw material selection to process and packing there should be a standardized methods or undergone certain quality standards like ISO 2000 etc.. Here I wish to share the information on genuine and quality medicines either recommended by the qualified doctors or produced under certain quality control standards which may have the industry standards. So keep visiting my blog regularly for the information on genuine medicines that are with industry benchmarks.