Acne is the most burning issue among the teenagers and youth. Majority of the teenagers and youth spend lot of time thinking of acne and acne control.Acne problems make them restless and disappointing. Proper guidance should be provided to youth other wise they spoil their skin by damaging the irritating skin with acne.As we know that hormone problems are major reasons  for the acne during young age, proper care can result in acne control. Unwanted and unhealthy food intake is the major reason for blemishes and skin eruptions. Here I wish to mention few tips that are most effective and most successful over a period of time.
Acne control of course one should be serious abut acne control but it is not that much serious problem that we cannot manage it.When it comes to Ayurveda treatment, I wish to mention few basic things that are widely used  or practiced with high success rate for the acne treatment.'TULASI', scientific name is Ocimum sanctum, plant leaves are most known in Ayurveda for treating the skin.  Neem,scientific name is Azadirachta indica , is also better known in treating acne. Take equal quantities of Tulasi and Neem leaves and make them a paste add with soaked and ground fenugreek seeds paste. Apply Lemon juice on the face gently with clean cotton.But if your skin too sensitive add some water to the lemon juice. Try another tip :  Take 1 tea spoon of rose water, 1 tea spoon of  honey and  mix with pulps of  Apple, Papaya and Tomato.Mix these things in a ceramic bowl or glass bowl then apply on the face. Gently rub and avoid force on blemishes or ruptures. Leave the entire mix on the face for about 15 minutes. Wash the face with cool water. Practice this for 15 days. You will be back to my website and say thanks !! Sure , it works great !!!
Most important tip on food consumption front is don't take oily food or fats and sweets. This will increase the problems of acne further and acne cannot be controlled. Drink plenty of water. Don't touch blemishes or rashes of the acne skin frequently or unclean fingers. Use always a soft and clean cotton cloth. If you can practice yoga , please make a hobby of  practicing yoga with deep breathing  and exhaling exercises.
   Avoid exposure to the sun light . Wash the face frequently and drink plenty of water. Consume raw fruits or fresh juice without sugar added. Do not use all available creams in the market in a rush to avoid or treat the blemishes and acne.Take nutrient and green leave food. Try to use Ayurvedic face packs or home made face masks instead of chemically made ointments and face creams that are available in the market. In some cases retinoic acid and salicylic acid compounds gives good treatment for the acne treatment but you need to consult the skin specialist. In my teenage I used Ratinoic Acid face cream that made me glow white during first week later during second week my skin started breaking into flakes and I found oozing liquids out of my skin with pain and burning sensation ( I remember my doctor prescribed me Cotaril-H cream that was fantastic in giving relief  in two days ! But you consult the doctor whenever you try to experiment with  chemicals or related preparations as after all it is your skin ! Isn't it ? ) So be careful , never use ointments made for clinical use on your own. Do always consult a skin specialist. Astringent also some thing which give s soothing effect on oily skin but do consult a doctor in any use of chemical ointments or preparations. Take the help of dermatologist in assessing the seriousness of your skin just in case if you feel so much discomfort.