Tuesday, July 26, 2011


Ayurvedic medicines are proven to give successful and dependable results without side effects.
Ayurveda itself  is the science of life which gives the knowledge of living healthy and be fit. Ayurveda medicines are simple to follow furthermore these are made of organic substances like leaves and herbs.
Following are the quick remedies or tips in Ayurveda for weight loss:
1.       Drink more water, especially hot water because this increases your metabolism also. Hence there is direct relation how much water you drink and how fast you can lose your weight.
2.       Minimize  quantity of food you take at once, instead of having once you make it into two or three portions each with a gap of three to four hours. This causes not to pile up excess calories in your body as it assumes you are going to starve in times to come so the excess quantity of food you take stored as fat in your body which can be released later when you don’t get food. But if you happen to eat more and do not work enough these excess calories it will pile in your body to form pot belly or belly fat which is hard to lose at later stage. So be careful !
3.       Buy and eat fiber  rich food not oily food or snacks. Avoid snacks  and peanuts which are rich in storable oils in your body.
4.       Make dieting an easy to follow but not hard to maintain. Hard dieting plans not withstand longer time as you will always try to put an end or count to end as soon as you become leaner.  But when you stop diet plan after becoming leaner you will be blessed with bonus fats with double trouble !
5.       Take fresh fruit juices without sugar. It is better to take whole fruit instead of juices as they are going to help body with digestion and other intestine problems even.
6.       Take enough salads in your food. Keep green salads in your meal this helps to add fiber. Fiber is the cholesterol fighter and reduces the stroke and keeps skin  young and lean with natural glow. Skin glow often attributed to the colorful  fruits and vegetable you add in your food such as carrots, beetroot, spinach etc.<input type="hidden" name="IL_RELATED_TAGS" value="1"/>
7.       Add dry fruits in your pass time eatables instead of taking snacks made of oils or carbohydrates. Dry fruits work as antioxidants  that help and cure many health related problems silently.
8.       Stop eating fried vegetables in meals instead take steamed vegetables.
9.       Make a regular hobby of taking green tea and lemon tea instead of normal tea. Avoid adding milk to tea. Lemon tea and Ginger tea are good for health. These will help in cleaning stomach and reduce the chances of piling up of fats in body. Green tea should be made with little precautions.
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HOW TO MAKE GREEN TEA ?: Here is how, take 80ml of distilled water and add one tea spoon full green tea leaves. Do not boil. Green tea should never be boiled it should be carefully brewed. Heat below 80 degree Celsius for two to three minutes and then allow to cool. Do not add sugar or milk. You  can add lemon and honey. While brewing the green tea you can also add cinnamon stick powder to the distilled water because it has qualities reducing the cholesterol. Cinnamon stick powder is little sweeter too !
10.    Instead of taking carbohydrates such as rice, potato and sweet potato it is better to take wheat and   whole gram or sprouts of whole gram are good in reducing weight and cholesterol .
11.   Use honey instead of sugar as it transfers the stationary fat to other moving parts so as to reduce the fat content in our body. So use more honey with lukewarm water.
12.   Exercise regularly especially yoga and aerobics that tends to be easy to do and work on long run.

1 comment:

  1. nice blog
    ayurveda is cure for all the problems
    Health expert
