Belly fat becomes a great threat to our life ! It is the latest medical news here around saying that belly fat can cause Type 2 diabetes.They can be even considered as twins in promoting life to hazardous lines.Belly fat is usually formed due to irregular diet and high intake of food, especially processed and oily food.This reduces insulin cells by our pancreas.If not proper care is taken and if the belly fat is not reduced it will lead to life crash !
The belly fat not only be reduced by different waist straining exercises but type of food also can help us reduce the belly fat.
Lean meats such as Turkey will help reduce the belly fat and build up lean muscles along the waistline. Soya beans, beans and ready to cook soya meal, oats and food stuffs such as raw or whole grains will help in reducing fat as they contain fiber which reduce the cholesterol in the body and blood.There are two kinds of cholesterol one is L.D.L cholesterol and the other one H.D.L cholesterol.Simply without confusing a common man L.D.L is bad cholesterol while H.D.L cholesterol is good cholesterol. As high levels of L.D.L cholesterol causes heart attack, so low levels of H.D.L cholesterol is also bad for health. We need to maintain H.D.L levels in required quantity.
While physical exercise can give us great results to reduce the belly fat, let us consider what other ways that one can look forward to reduce fat in our body at belly.
What type of food to avoid to control belly fat ?
Chart out clearly with common sense that wherever the fat is accumulated, it is basically fat only which is purely due to excess food consumption and fatty food or junk foods. So avoid junk food which is not good. Reduce the number of times your visits to hotels or junk food corners.Avoid eggs and red meats. Take lean meats.Stop consuming alcohols.Reduce the quantities of food.Stop eating foods made of processed tins/food. Avoid Sugar foods and sugar contained food. Avoid chocolates. People have some classic habit of taking sweet at the end of each meal. Stop this food you are taking can supply enough sugar and now no need to add extra sugars by taking sweets at the end of the meal. Avoid starchy food or carbohydrates.Don't consume junk foods like potato chips( even potatoes in your food for that matter ) or even ice cream kind of things which are too dangerous and buildup excess fat very easily without our notice in short run !
What type of food to take for losing belly fat or weight loss ?
Eat healthy unprocessed eatables.Take oatmeal as part of your food daily, especially during the night. Avoid other foods in the night. Just don't go to bed after eating immediately.Take all kinds of variety beans.Add them in your menu. Take colorful fruits. Avoid high calorie fruits such as banana instead add fiber rich fruit to your choice.Take fruits such as apple, avocado etc.
It is wise to decide how to lose bulge around your stomach and waist. It is of last grandness to recognize how our physical structure plant or in other words, one moldiness know why s/he has belly fat.
Potbelly, beer belly and belly fat are all the names one worries as the bulge increase around the waist. For some, deficiency of exercises is the briny case whereas about pestering remember that unhealthy eating is the primary reason of lower stomach fat. Certainly parking the fat in and around the belly worries are not only the reasons but other reasons are mostly we need to consider:-
1. Stress , it is the root cause by which one forgets the measures of ones own body and beauty and starts eating more than normal.
2. Alcohols and beer these are the second most important ones that often increase
the waist line without our observation just goes up surprisingly lands on higher on mountain size.
3. Slow Metabolism, it is too dangerous and ask any film actress they know the phrase of “metabolism” because they are consistently worried of it and try to make faster metabolism. So meet the doctor and a physical fitness expert that ways to improve the metabolism. Faster metabolism can be improved by proper physical exercise.
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4. Digestion Problems , these are unhealthy practice provokers because their digestions problems make them to have unhealthy eating practices. So having good diet and avoiding the digestion problems result in balanced diet practices.
5. Menopause in women result in fat deposit on tummy, buttocks and thighs. This is due to the female sex hormones .Female problems usually complex rather than men,there are some good references which can guide properly and gives complete information about how to manage and face menopause problems effectively. To know more about them CLICK HERE. Apart from this there are complete information guides which are guided by qualified doctors and professionals as well are known in the market.Quick and natural relief techniques can be obtained in a book with complete guidance...CLICK HERE.
Yes ! Physical exercise can do lot of wonders than just consuming pills or medicines and sitting idle. It is just because of of the reason, by sitting idle or not giving strain to muscles may cause intestinal makeover but not real muscle build up. Muscle building or lean muscle building out of pot belly or jelly belly is only possible with physical work out in addition to the medicines. For physical workouts one cannot try by himself but there should be enough material in hand describing steps by step methods of doing different work outs. One such book I found on the internet is The truth about six pack abs.This is a wonderful product and more than 60,000 people used it and reviewed it many times.This product is in the market for more than six years.Just try out Truth about six pack abs the see the results for yourself. CLICK HERE to know more about the product which is 100% refundable if you are not satisfied by it.
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