Hi ! Dear friends !! As daily food intake
at restaurants or fast food canters in
our modern life rigorously put us in hazardous situation leading to face us
further sick of using chemical medicines.Toxins piled up in
our blood stream and body may result in unwanted health problems. In order to
avoid problems of health, it is better to detoxify the body frequently whenever
possible. Cleansing the body is as good as scanning and removing virus out of computer
to keep the body healthy and fit for longer life ! So let us discuss
the top 5 methods of cleansing the body or detoxification methods.
Detoxing with liquids. As I have already posted
an article for water fasting or weight loss with liquids, I had mentioned
earlier excess quantities of chemicals and residues left in our body system can
be cleansed with water fasting. Pure water detoxing is a method without any
supplements or tablets being used while on water fasting result in
detoxification of the body. Found detoxification is not a big problem while undergoing natural detoxification process, but for a newbie it may be little inconvenient to face from fasting with water and just depending on water and juices or whatever method you approach. Detoxification method is not a combination of regular intake of foods as usual and take some extra feed of liquids suggested or herbals to consume, but it is little pain some during first one or two days but third and fourth day it will be ok and you will feel so light and flying in air like experience. Believe me it is not so complicated if you take it serious.
What I found with
my own experience, you may feel giddiness or nausea during first two days of water
fasting and replace the normal food with liquids discussed here under. As we drink more water around 7 to 10 liters of water a day, we find
urine smelling with strong odors. I
think this is an indication of detoxification by expelling unwanted toxins out of our body! Apart
from this, mouth may also give little bad smell as a result of no food intake (I think during fasting days it is normal experience, if you too feel same please share your experience here !) and a layer on tongue is formed for every four to five hours!. One may need to
brush three to four times a day.( I had this experience).
During this period
of diet one need to cut all food intake in order to benefit from the detoxification
to the fullest possible. Patients of blood pressure or sugar or heart attack
and other medical problems should be away from this method or at least should
be under the doctor’s supervision. One need to find, if this method is suitable
for them or not from a doctor.
Second method is by fasting with fruit juices
alone without sugars. Natural fruit juices are rich in vitamins and minerals.
They tend to remove unnecessary fluids and clean bladder. It is not just to add
fruit juices in addition to the normal food, but just take complete diet on
fruit juices alone makes it meaningful to get desired results. Juices of pomegranate,
orange, pineapple and berry fruit are the best. In addition, one can plan with
different juices in intervals of two or three days completely depending on
particular fruit juices and later with combination of different fruits. This
will help in natural way toning the body system with natural minerals without
any oils, chemicals or spices etc. Fruit detoxification not only help in
reducing the toxins but also help in weight loss during this period !
Third method is to depend on Green Tea, Lemon Tea
and Lemon Grass tea. Surprisingly lemon
grass is used very much in Thai foods for its rich aroma and taste. Beside it
has herbal effects on detoxing the body. It also helps to get sound sleep and
keeps migraine headaches away from you. It is even argued that it is better for
sugar and cholesterol reduction.

Lemon grass is wildly grown grass with lemon
aroma in Asian countries. Lemon grass roots are also used in making herbal tea
and aromatic lemongrass oil. A picture of lemon grass is shown in this article.
When brewed it shows light green colored liquid called lemon grass tea. It
looks similar to that of green tea. Green tea is well known among most of the
Asian countries. There is already an article dedicated to Green tea on this
blog. Please read that article to know more about how to brew the green tea.
While being on mainly on water, in frequent intervals taking green tea or lemon
tea or lemon grass tea ( changing from time to time ) will give the best
effects of detoxification.
tea . Yes it is just ginger tea , the most famous ‘masala tea’ in India
but with an exception without milk and
tea powder! Ginger helps to reduce the arthritis and joint pains. It is advised
to take ginger even every day morning without milk or any other ingredients.
Just boil a cup of water with fresh ground ginger for six to seven minutes
without sugar. Garlic can also be taken raw during a day time or in the morning
while detoxing with ginger tea( I am not asking to mix ginger and garlic!).
Garlic helps a lot in reducing cholesterol and reducing heart attacks. Garlic
is also good for improving sexual mood. It is good sexual mood elevator ! Try
garlic every day ( raw ) for some days and see the difference in your sexual
appetite ! Garlic removes the toxins from our body.
vegetable soups !, yes vegetable soups such as cabbage and broccoli are
to good toxin removers from the body. Do not add any salts or sugars or taste
enhancers while detoxing with soups, simply depend whole day on soups ! Try for
3 to 4 days on any methods mentioned above. But be sure you have no health
complications and if so, take doctor’s advice before you start up detoxing. You
can add vegetable soups such tomato soup and corn soup but all natural and
fresh ! Don’t use packed or canned stuff for any of detoxification, because it
will not serve the purpose ! Be reminded once again, check if your body is fit
to take detoxification methods mentioned. If not suitable because you have some
health problems, don’t experiment with any of these methods. Or consult the
doctor if you still want to do so.
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